Flora and fauna of La Isla de Lobos

In the heart of the Atlantic Ocean, bordering the coasts of Fuerteventura, there is a small natural paradise known as the Isla de Lobos.This island islet of 4.5 kilometer squares has been designated as a natural reserve since 1982, protecting its unique biodiversity and its fragile ecosystems. Aside from its modest size, the island has a rich variety of flora and fauna that combines it with an irresistible destiny for lovers of nature and explorers eager to discover the beauty of the Canary Islands.

The flora of the island

The vegetation of the island has adapted notably to its dry and windy environment. None with a great diversity of species, the plants that thrive if they are uniquely adapted to survive in extreme conditions. Between the most destroyed species you can see:

  1. Suaeda vera (Barilla): This halófita plant is common in the coastal areas of the island, where it has carnosas and is capable of tolerating the salinity of its particularly resistant soil.
  2. Zygophyllum fontanesii (Tártago): Another endemic plant, the tártago occurs in small scattered populations, a few in rocosa and secas areas.
    Long-lived marítima (Limonium ovalifolium): This perennial plant is mainly found on the coasts of the island, with lilac and plated flowers adding a touch of color to the lush landscapes.
  3. Aeonium lindleyi (Bejeque): An example of the succulent flora that thrives in the Canary Islands. The seat adapts well to the range of water and adverse climatic conditions of La Isla de Lobos.

La fauna de la isla

When it comes to a small island, its importance as a refuge with and species of marinas cannot be compared. The island is full of animal life that we will explore:

  1. With marinas: Among the most destacadas are the cormorants, the cenicientas pardelas and the chorlitejos patinegros. These species found in La Isla de Lobos an ideal place to feed and feed, providing the water with species that live on the island.
  2. Marina fauna: The crystal waters that rode the island are a paradise for lovers of water and snorkeling. You can see tropical fish, mantarrays and occasionally delfines and tortugas marinas.
  3. Atlantic coasts (Gallotia atlántica): This is a small lake on the shores of the Canary Islands and can be encountered at various points on the island. However, it is an important part of the island’s terrestrial ecosystem.
  4. Terrestrial invertebrates: The island’s wildlife includes a variety of invertebrates adapted to life in dry and windy environments, including some species of spiders and escarabajos.

Conservation and protection

The Isla de Lobos was designated as a Natural Park in 1982 and formed part of the Red Natura 2000, a European red ecological area of ​​biodiversity conservation. The protective measures are fundamental to preserve both the flora and fauna of the island, ensuring that future generations can enjoy their natural beauty intact.

If you are planning to visit this paraíso natural, then you need to obtain a visiting permit subject to your natural reservation status. Our new barco regularly sells from Corralejo to Fuerteventura, offering a corta travesía right up to a virgin island and impressive landscapes.