In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the identifying data of the company that owns this website associated with the domain is set out below:, the use of which is subject to the Privacy Policy and Conditions of Use described.
Social denomination: Nortour S.L.
Fiscal address: C/ Bajo Amarillo, 28. CP: 35660, Corralejo, Las Palmas (Spain)
Telephone: +34 616 986 982
Registry data: Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas,dated April 29, 1988, under protocol no. 557, in book 603, folio 30, page 4646, 1st inscription.
CIF: B35139005
Codes of conduct to which the company adheres
This website has been created by Nortour for informational purposes, as well as for the sale of tourist activities for the personal use of users.
Through this legal notice, it is intended to regulate the access and use of this website, as well as the relationship between the website and its users.
By accessing this website, the following terms and conditions are accepted:
- Access to this website is the sole responsibility of the users.
- Simply accessing this website does not imply any kind of commercial relationship between Nortour and the user.
- Accessing and browsing this website implies accepting and knowing the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein.
- The owner of this website may offer activities that may be subject to specific conditions. Depending on the case, they replace, complete and / or modify these conditions, and about which the user will be informed in each specific case.
Purpose of thewebsite
This website has been created exclusively to inform about Nortour products and services whose prices can be seen here, which include all taxes and port fees.
Use and user access
The user is informed, and accepts, that access to this website does not imply, in any way, the beginning of a business relationship with Nortour or any of its delegations.
Intellectual and industrial property
The intellectual property rights of the content of the web pages, their graphic design and codes are owned by Nortour and, therefore, their reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other activity that can be carried out with the contents of their web pages not even citing the sources, except with the written consent of Nortour.
Responsibility for the contents
Nortour is not responsible for the legality of other third-party websites from which this website can be accessed through links. On the other hand, the legality of the external links linked on this website is not the responsibility of Nortour.
The links on this website are for informational purposes only and in no case do they imply a suggestion, invitation or recommendation on them. In the same way, it reserves the right to make changes to the website without prior notice, in order to keep its information updated, adding, modifying, correcting or eliminating the published content or the design of this website.
Reproduction of contents
The total or partial reproduction of the contents published on this website is prohibited.
Applicable law
In general, the relations between Nortour and the users present on this website are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.