woman breathing at home

How to do Yoga at home?

Con este artículo queremos poner nuestro granito de arena y aportar un poco de salud y bienestar durante estos días que nos toca estar en casa. Así que hemos pensado en darte algunos consejos sobre como aprovechar este momento de aislamiento para conectar contigo mismo y encontrar la paz y la serenidad que da el aceptar la realidad sin dramatismos. A continuación te dejamos algunos ejercicios de Yoga que te ayudarán a reforzar tus

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woman doing yoga in the

Yoga and Benefits of its Practice in Nature

There is no doubt that today Yoga has become very popular in the West and more and more centers, gyms and private offer classes, retreats, seminars, courses, etc. Yoga, that ancient practice that makes everyone who dares to know it fall in love. And it doesn’t surprise us! The reasons for such popularity are multiple: exercising the body, breathing, establishing a link with our emotions and feelings and enjoying our surroundings with full awareness,

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